RAS Report
Authority Logos

St. Breward Primary School


Risk Management - Assessment Report 

Risk Area: Management and Site Maintenance
Assessment Framework: Full Re-Opening of Schools - COVID 19
Work Area or Activity: site management
Competent Person Jo Best
Assisted by: Helen Ward
Groups Affected: Staff Pupils Visitors

This is a review of an assessment carried out on 15/07/2020

This is a review of an assessment carried out on 17/07/2020

This is a review of an assessment carried out on 03/09/2020
It was marked as 'nothing had changed' by Jo Best on 16/09/2020

This is a review of an assessment carried out on 16/09/2020
Assessed on: 10/11/2020 Risk Rating: Below 9 - Low Risk
9 to 14 - Medium Risk
15 or above - High Risk
To be Reviewed on:  
What are the Hazards? What is already being done? Is this considered
Risk Findings
Failure to follow Government, DFE, Local Authority, PHE and NHS advise. Full guidance has been read and addressed through the completion of this risk assessment and relevant safety measures that are to be put into place. Advice/guidance is available to all staff. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Premises/compliance not checked to ensure full reopening is safe. Full re-opening checklist to be followed at the end of the summer term. All site checks to be carried out in accordance with the guidelines. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Standard Operating Procedures not amended (where necessary) to reflect changes in occupancy e.g. fire and evacuation procedures, movement around site, vehicle movement etc. All procedures have been evaluated and updated to reflect new classroom and site arrangements. staff and parents will be informed of changes before the children return to school in September. Pupils to be informed/reminded of changes on the first day of term. A fire alarm drill will take place on the first day back. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of procedures in place for controlling visitors, contractors and deliveries to site (this should include unauthorised visitors) ? consideration should also be given as to whether to resume Lettings etc. Clear procedures in place for managing visitors on to site. Controlled access through through the main entrance with the usual signing in procedures. Hand sanitiser must be use on arrival and PPE is available for use. Educational visitors will follow the guidelines regarding keeping a distance from children. Any contractors should aim to be on site before or after school, but if not possible they should be accompanied at all times and areas sanitised once the contractor has gone.
Deliveries will be stored in a safe place and distributed 72 hours after arrival.



Risk Rating:8

Lack of up to date information for Staff. Any new information will be shared with staff as and when it arrives. The RA will be an agenda item every staff meeting. If any changes to the RA are needed staff will be told immediately. All staff will be encouraged to feedback any concerns to management on a daily basis. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of up to date information for Students, Parents and Guardians. Parents will be informed of all the new procedures at the beginning of September, before the children return to school. The RA will be on the school website. Parents will be encouraged to share any concerns with teachers or myself (HW). If any key changes are required they will be shared with parents via email and text message and the RA updated on the website. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to provide support and/or reassurances to Staff who are anxious about a full return to school. All staff who are due to return in September are happy with the safety procedures that are to be put in place. All staff will have a voice in determining the safest way to operate, following the guidance but also being mindful of providing the best possible experience for children. Any staff who do become anxious will be spoken to 1:1 and given advice and support. Full PPE is available to any staff member should they will to use it. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to provide support and/or reassurances to Student, Parents and Guardians who are anxious about a full return to school. Full safety procedures and RA will be communicated to parents. Also the Governments expectations regarding full attendance. Any parents who continue to have concerns will be spoken to 1:1 and encouraged to allow their child to return. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Staff identified as clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable attending site (including staff who are pregnant). It is important for the whole school community to operate as safely as possible for the benefit of all but especially those who fall into this category. The following steps must be implemented throughout the school:-
*Teach children about the importance of maintaining a distance from adults within the school and teach them what this looks like in practice.
*Children/lessons organised with social distancing in mind i.e. sports on floor for children to sit on, outdoor learning whenever possible, break out spaces such as inner reception area and back of the hall used as often as possible.
*Extra focus on hand hygiene for vulnerable staff.
*Extra focus on cleaning regime in rooms where vulnerable staff work (everywhere).
*Full PPE is available to any staff member who wishes to use it.
*Ongoing communication regarding how safe people feel and the confidence levels in the RA and procedures in place. Change operational procedures as and when necesaary.



Risk Rating:8

Staff living with someone or having regular contact with someone identified as being clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable attending site (including those who are pregnant). There are a couple of staff in this category. PPE is available for these staff members, as well as full guidance on safe working practices such as regular hand washing and sanitation. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Students identified as clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable attending site. There is one child in this category. The protective measures put in place for all should offer this child safety and protection. An increase in socially distancing will be encouraged and the child will have their own desk. Yes



Risk Rating:1

Students living with someone or having regular contact with someone identified as being clinically or extremely clinically vulnerable attending site (including those who are pregnant). As well as the protective measures being put into place within the school environment, the parents of such children should put additional protective measures in place within their homes. For example, wash clothes a return from school, keep a distance wherever possible within the home or reduce contact wherever possible. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Staff displaying known symptoms of COVID-19 whilst on site or living/having regular contact with someone displaying known symptoms. Any member of staff showing symptoms of Covid-19 will be instructed to get tested immediately and isolate away from work until test results are know. If negative result given, staff member can return to work once well enough to do so. If a positive test is returned, class bubble will be sent home to isolate for 14 days and get tested should they present with symptoms. Work area will be deep cleaned and fogged with anti-bacterial mist.
If a member of staff has contact with someone displaying symptoms, they will be asked to self isolate for 14 days, or until that person has a negative test result.



Risk Rating:8

Students displaying known symptoms of COVID-19 whilst on site or living/having regular contact with someone displaying known symptoms. The procedures here are the same as for the staff member in the box above. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of procedures in place to manage confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school community. Any confirmed case of Covid-19 within the school community results in a bubble being sent home. Out of respect to other parents within the school, all families will be notified about the confirmed case. We have cross overs of bubbles as there are many siblings who are in different classes and the advice is that if a child is self isolating, then their family should also.
The whole school should be deep cleaned and fogged. If more cases present themselves then the relevant authorities will be notified and a community testing bus may be sent to school.



Risk Rating:8

Lack of procedure in place should an outbreak result in rapid closure of the premises or part of the premises. As the school is relatively small, 2 cases or more within the space of 14 days would probably result in the closure of the school. All areas would be fogged.
Teachers will revert to immediately teaching through Google Classroom (training to be arranged for September) and endeavor to maintain a steady, broad and balanced curriculum.



Risk Rating:8

Travelling to and from school ? walking, cycling, parents dropping off on foot or via car, own school transport (minibuses), school transport providers and public transport. Most pupils travel by car, the rest by foot. The staggered start and finish times should eliviate congestion at either of the three entrances to the school. Parents will be requested to socially distance themselves from other parents and pupils at all times. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Mass arrival and departure to and from school resulting in gatherings at school gate(s) and access points. There are staggered start and finish times to the school day with separate entrances to each class bubble. All adults coming onto site have been asked to wear face coverings and reminded to social distance while waiting. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to coordinate arrival times with other users of the site such as nurseries that are not under school management. There are no other users on site. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to coordinate arrival times on sites of multiple occupancy. There are no other users on site. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of procedures for controlling access to and from the premises. There will be a member of staff monitoring the use of all the entrances to school.
Reminders will be sent to parents as and when necessary regarding the importance of sticking to agreed arrival and departure times as well as social distancing.



Risk Rating:8

Failure to allocate year groups and staff into bubbles (in order to deliver the full range of curriculum subjects) and maintain distancing between bubbles during movement around site. Class bubbles have already been identified, with staff allocated. Each bubble will have it's own outdoor play area and learning spaces within the building. There should be no close contact between bubbles on site. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to have procedures in place for boarders, house parents and their spouses/dependants returning from other parts of the UK and from overseas.   N/A



Risk Rating:1

Cross contamination within boarding houses and wider school due to boarders, house parents and their spouses/dependants being allocated (where applicable) into separate year group or other bubbles within the school/premises ? consideration should also be given to those spouses/dependants of house parents who work elsewhere or attend other schools/colleges respectively.   N/A



Risk Rating:1

Failure to have procedures in place for staff/students (holidays etc.) returning from parts of the UK and overseas known to have had recent spikes in COVID-19. All staff and parents will be asked to inform the school if they have travelled to parts of the UK or abroad to areas with recent spikes of COVID-19. School will keep regular checks on the latest Government advice regarding areas of risk and advise parents accordingly. Any staff or pupils who have visited areas will be instructed to self isolate away from school following their visit. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Failure to amend existing risk assessments for school trips, visits and extra-curricular activities ? domestic overnight stays and overseas visits are not advised at this stage. There will be no overnight visits arranged during this period.
Any day trips will be risk assessed accordingly, in line with the latest guidance.



Risk Rating:8

Lack of facilities to accommodate year group bubbles whilst maintaining distancing between bubbles ? classrooms, work areas, lunch/break areas and recreational spaces. These spaces are already allocated, with enough space in school to accommodate. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of hand washing and welfare facilities to accommodate year group bubbles whilst maintaining distancing. All bubbles have access to hand washing facilities and hand sanitizer. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Staff and students not washing hands frequently. Hand washing will take place during break times and at the beginning and end of lunchtime (4 times). Staff reminded weekly, children reminded daily. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Over-use of hand sanitiser etc. Hand sanitiser to be used at the start and end of the day, and also where time is of the essence and 25 children washing hands would be too lengthy a process.
Parents would be asked to inform us of any child who may be sensitive to hand sanitiser.



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination between year group bubbles due to staff moving between bubbles. Staff movement between bubbles will be kept to a minimum. Hand sanitiser or washing will take place between any moves that are necessary. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination between year group bubbles due to members of the same household being allocated into separate bubbles. This is managed through good personal hygiene and through the hand cleaning routines on arrival and departure. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination between year group bubbles from shared facilities ? classrooms, work areas, resources such as library books, lunch/break areas, recreational spaces, gym/fitness suite equipment, playing fields and associated equipment. Shared facilities/resources will be kept to a minimum. It may on occasion happen with shared PE equipment or main hall space. In these instances, equipment and areas will be cleaned and wiped down with anti bacterial cleaner between uses. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination between year group bubbles due to shared welfare facilities such as toilets, sinks water fountains, vending machines etc. Each bubble will have it's own welfare facilities allocated, not to be shared. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination within year group bubbles due to physical contact - staff/student contact, peer to peer contact. Physical contact within bubbles is likely as there is expectation for children to socially distance. The children will be sat next to each. Regular hand cleaning, catch it, bin it, kill it messages and reminders to give each other space outside will be measures to minimise risk. Yes



Risk Rating:12

Changes awaiting implementation/ verificationDate to be implementedDays to Monitor 
Risk Rating
Cross contamination within year group bubbles due to sharing resources/equipment, gym/fitness equipment, sports equipment or passing on loaned equipment such as library books etc. Shared resources will be kept to a minimum. Each older child will have their own set of equipment that is used regularly. the hand washing routine is the most important measure to mitigate risk along with the enhanced cleaning routines. Yes



Risk Rating:12

Changes awaiting implementation/ verificationDate to be implementedDays to Monitor 
Risk Rating
Cross contamination within year group bubbles due to shared personal equipment (water bottles, toys etc.), physical activities (PE etc.). Children wil not be allowed to bring in any personal equipment from home other lunch box/bag, water bottle, book bag and coat. Any items brought in will be for individual use only. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination within year group bubbles due to shared welfare facilities such as toilets, sinks water fountains, vending machines etc. The shared facilities within the bubbles are the toilets. they will be subject to an enhanced cleaning routine. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Inadequate supervision levels should staff levels drop (individual year group bubbles and the whole school in general). Where bubbles cannot be adequately staffed due to sickness or absence, we will attempt to recruit suitable supply staff. However, if this is not possible, those bubbles will be closed for pupil safety. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Inadequate supervision levels to maintain safe movement around site and avoid year group bubble to bubble contact. At all break times, bubbles will be supervised by their bubble staff. If bubbles are short of staff the same rules apply as in the box above. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Inadequate supervision levels at lunch/breaktimes to maintain distancing between year group bubbles. the outside area is zoned so that bubbles do not make contact with each other.If supervision levels are too low the same rules apply as in boxes above. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of facilities to maintain distancing between staff in staff areas. The staff room is able to accommodate 2 adults at a safe distance. The room will be limited to this number. Staff generally stay in their own rooms for breaks when the children are outside. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of first aid trained staff and facilities to support year group bubbles (including paediatric where necessary). There will be at least one first aid trained member of staff within each bubble. New staff will be directed to complete online first aid/paediatric first aid training. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of staff to support pupils with individual and specific medical needs (including dispensing of medicines and provision of medical procedures. Pupils with specific needs are allocated a member of staff to support them within their bubbles. If a staff member is absent another staff member will be allocated the responsibility. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of staff to support pupils with individual and specific care needs (e.g. support for toileting etc.). Parents will be asked to provide a change of clothes in case of an 'accident'. If there are further 'accidents' during the same day the parents will be contacted to come and collect the child. Yes



Risk Rating:12

Changes awaiting implementation/ verificationDate to be implementedDays to Monitor 
Risk Rating
Lack of staff to support pupils with specific emotional or behavioural needs. The vast majority of staff within school have some training/experience in supporting children with emotional needs. Where this is more acute advice and support is given from the TIS trained SENDCo. In extreme cases the child would be sent home for their own welfare, if it was appropriate. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of canteen staff, catering facilities and the dining space required to provide school meals to all year group bubbles whilst maintaining distancing. It is Aspens responsibility to provide the school kitchen manager. We have a supervisor for each bubble and teachers will provide extra cover as required.
Starting with the Turtles the children will be sent by class to collect there lunches and will then return to their classroom to eat. Children will not share any cutlery or food items.



Risk Rating:8

Inadequate cleaning staff/site team on site throughout the day to clean frequently touched areas, welfare facilities, shared areas etc. and areas used by different year group bubbles. there is a cleaning station in each classroom.
Staff and older pupils will have access to wipes to clean down areas and resources throughout the day. Cleaning staff will thoroughly clean the school at the end of each day.



Risk Rating:8

Inadequate staff equipment/facilities and cleaning products/PPE to ensure the school is thoroughly cleaned at the end of the school day/start of a new day. The in house NCLT cleaning company are responsible for maintaining adequate stock levels. The school is responsible for maintaining adequate levels of cleaning products (wipes, sprays and cloths) for routine cleaning through the day. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Cross contamination across site due to lack of procedures for disposing of used and potentially contaminated cleaning materials etc. All bubble have access to non touch bins with lids. All cleaning materials and waste products are disposed of in sealed refuse sacks and stored in biffa bins outside. Yes



Risk Rating:8

Lack of air flow results in airbourne particles lingering in spaces. Air flow to be maintained by some windows and doors being left open creating adequate ventilation. Yes



Risk Rating:1

Jo Best Signed ........................................... Dated ............................
Co-ordinator Signed ........................................... Dated ............................
Copyright:- This Assessment is to be used for activities which are organised by, or participated in by, individuals associated with the Establishment identified in the title block or other establishments federated with it.