St Breward Community Primary School

P.T.A. (Parent, Teacher Association)

We believe the importance of a PTA is increasing, not only at St Breward, but at schools across the country.  With budgets restricted more and more each year, schools are inevitably looking to their PTAs to help financially with costs that in previous years would have been covered by their budget.  This reality just emphasises the importance of the work the PTA does, and even more why the support of parents and staff and the wider community is vital.

Communication with families and the community is key to making our events a success, so this new website will be another link that everyone can access to seek information on the school and it's community.

Minutes of meetings held will be added together with details of up coming events.

Watch this space! 


Our amazing PTA Ten Tors team raised £883 and our May Fayre brought in £1150 on the day - all for our little school! 🤩 We’ve got around £250 costs to deduct so £900 profit which is absolutely amazing!
A big thank you to everyone for your help, donations and generosity! We really do have a fab community.
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