
Autumn 2022

Dolphin's Stars of the Week (16/09/22)
The Year 4 members of the class had the opportunity to complete their Bikeability Level 1 cycle training this week and were presented with their badges and certificates in our celebration assembly (16/09/22).
Dolphin's class stars of the week (23/09/22)
Visit to Davidstow War Museum 22/09/22
The class had a trip to the nearby war museum to tie in with their mini topic about WW2. They were given an interesting talk by Steve at the beginning, giving the background to the war and then had a guided tour. This enabled them to take in the many artefacts and ask lots of questions.
Harvest celebration 23/09/22
The children walked up to the church this morning and were greeted by the Rev. David Seymour. He talked to the children about the meaning and importance of harvest to the Christian church and its congregation. Each child then presented their gifts for the local Food Bank and the Harvest loaves that they had made were displayed at the altar. There was an opportunity for the children to reflect in silence on the meaning of harvest.The older children also hung their Harvest leaves on the prayer tree. 
Stars of the week 30.9.22
Stars of the week 07.10.22