St Breward Community Primary School





At St Breward we use a mastery approach to teaching maths, providing a depth of understanding for the children across all years and abilities. From reception to Year 6, children build their understanding of key mathematical concepts through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. They are able to apply their deep and thorough understanding to new problems and undertake complex reasoning, using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Spoken language is core to all our curriculums at St Breward School and this is reflected in the vocabulary used from the very start of a their maths education here.

At St Breward, we use White Rose as our primary scheme of work. In addition to this, teachers use other sources such as NCETM and our local Maths Hub as appropriate to support learning. Fluency is practised daily and children find learning their times tables fun through use of Times Tables Rock Stars and the 99 Club.

maths progression at st breward school.pdf


Addition & Subtraction Calculation Policy

addition and subtraction calculation policy.pdf


Multiplication & Division Policy

multiplication division policy.pdf