At St Breward School we believe oracy is a powerful tool for learning. We aim to teach children to become more effective speakers and listeners as we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. We also believe that oracy supports social mobility, empowering all children, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life.
Oracy runs throughout all of our curriculums and we have high expectations for our children to be able to talk about their learning, not just to their peers, but the wider community. We provide opportunities to improve oracy including:
- Providing opportunities for drama and role-play.
- Providing opportunities for children to develop their listening skills through conversation.
- Promoting small group and class discussions on specific subjects/areas of the curriculum.
- Opportunities to speak in front of a larger audience, for example during a Family Assembly.
- Giving the children the opportunity to speak to unfamiliar people with a real purpose.
- Allowing the children to participate in ‘show and tell’ sessions.
- Playing a range of games with the children to encourage effective use of oracy skills.
- Providing opportunities for the children to become a storyteller.
- Providing opportunities for the children to present to an audience, chair a discussion and hold meetings through our School Council.
- Encouraging the children to talk for a specific purpose, e.g. to persuade or to entertain.
- Encouraging children to work in groups to collaboratively solve a problem.
- Encouraging class and group debates and providing opportunities for children to make speeches in front of an audience.
- Providing opportunities for the children to take part in plays or performances to the wider community.