St Breward Community Primary School

School Clubs

Every half term, we offer a number of after school clubs, featuring sports and interests.

All clubs are booked through our online School Money system and must be booked in advance. All clubs are currently £2 per session.


Current Clubs - Summer 1

Gardening Club -  A great club to encourage those green fingers! Our little gardeners help clear and prep our outside space, plant up seeds and learn all about the planting and growing process. On rainy days, they enjoy some inside planting and fun activities.


How to Draw Club - A brilliant club to help encourage our little artists. 


Lego Club - Who doesn't love Lego? A very popular club every time we run it. The children get to unleash their creativity and design skills with their friends and a whole lot of Lego!


Cricket / Rounders Club - A brilliant sports club this time of year. Alternating between the two sports, the children enjoy some quality exercise and learn new sporting skills.