St Breward Community Primary School

T.I.S / Headstart


What is Mental Heath?

Mental Heath includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also determines how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

We have lots of chemicals in our bodies that need to be well balanced for our Mental Health to be good. Previous Trauma, Emotions and our responses to triggers can release these chemicals.

When our Mental Health is good, we feel positive about ourselves, enjoy being around others and feel able to deal with life’s challenges.



Trauma is a type of damage to the mind that occurs as the result of a severely distressing event such as:

Loss/ bereavement, Separation, Anxiety, Panic,

Bullying, significant change; moving house/ school, upheavals and any change that is affecting them.



We are lucky to have 2 members of staff who are trained through Headstart Kernow .

They will be co-ordinating and delivering bespoke support that is created for each individual child that needs extra support.

An online tool called Motional is used to assess the children's  well being trough the form of a ‘snapshot’. This platform is very secure and this is offered under a 'opt out' format. If do not wish your child to be included in this please contact the office. 

The Headstart support has specific programmes designed to  address emotions such as:

anger,  fear, panic, and grief. 

Each programme is designed around the PACE model:

Play, Acceptance, Curiosity and   Empathy.


Emotionally  Available Adult.

For most children this is an adult at home, but sometimes we all need another person to talk to. An Emotionally Available Adult is someone who is there to listen, who talks, smiles and is simply  there.

All children have a right to an Emotionally available adult—it is a right not a reward.


Protective factors =

Children being able to listen when we talk with them about behaviour and how to develop the skills in order to help themselves.